Contact me/About me

Hi, you can always email me at if you have any questions or just want to say hi.

7 Responses to Contact me/About me

  1. Roni says:

    I just wanted to stop by and say… WHAAAAA HOOOOO! Congrats on the 70lbs and thank you so much for you email and kind words. I really appreciate it. 🙂


  2. Gabi says:

    Hi Katie,

    I found your blog through Google RealTime Search and I’m sooooo glad I’ve found another soul who loves running! Awesome job on shaking all that weight – you look amazing!

    I’ve been running for a few years now and have just changed to a vegan diet. I’m loving it so far!

    I’ve got your blog bookmarked so will be popping by again soon.

    Happy Running!

  3. Gabi says:

    Wow, thanks for the link Katie! I have your link to my blogroll too. I think your transformation is an inspiration, and I would like you to guest post on my blog. I will email you with more details if you are interested!


  4. Susan says:

    Katie–hi. I was looking for recipes for baked seitan and found your blog. I have 75+ pounds to lose and was looking into beginning with a low-carb, meat-full diet to start. I’m a lapsed pescatarian (veg who eats fish). Thinking I’d like to go back to that lifestyle–I just felt cleaner not eating meat. Weirdness, but true. I can’t run (bad knees from years of ballet and gymnastics), but like to walk a lot. That will be my go-to exercise until I’m svelt enough to handle higher impact activities. One thing I’m looking forward to beginning is my set of dance DVDs based on the Dancing with the Stars program. Well, I’m off to finish reading thru your very interesting, funny blog. Continued success on your health journey!

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