Like me!!!

20170412_083528.jpgI finally decided to hook Fit Living Daily up to Facebook. Please join me there so we can support each other!!!!

Here’s my personal page as well. The more the merrier.

It’s taking me a few hot minutes to remember how to do the olde WordPress thing but it’s coming back. I like having my own little world in the internetscape. That’s a word. Yes it is.

I’ve been eating super well and I found mega deals on vegan foods for my freezer at both Grocery Outlet and Fred Meyer. Depending on where you live, you may or may not recognize either of those stores. But look! See above! The picture went somewhere other than here!

It’s like a 3 ring circus here, trying to figure out my new technology. I switched from iphones to a Samsung (for $35 a month instead of $85) and my laptop was ruined when Jeff put it OUT ON THE DECK and forgot about it in a week of snow and rain. So now I have a Google chrome tablet.

And with this comes the almost impossible task of printing documents or saving photos or pretty much doing anything else, without first going through 53 steps. Finally I have had some success at putting things on Dropbox and then pulling from there. It only takes an eternity, but I’ll get better at it. I feel like I’m just stabbing at keys and then something good happens and I’m not sure what did it.

What’s today? Wednesday? Ok, let’s call it “Weigh In Wednesday”. I am at 233 today. My goal is to get back to 178. That’s 53 friggin’ pounds. Oh sigh. Big time Oye Vey. That’s ok. I can do this. I’m going to set a goal of 1 pound a week. I think that’s doable. I’m older now, things are slower….everything is slower.






About Fit Living Daily

I love healthy living! I've been married for 35 years and have 2 grown children, one in Albuquerque, NM and one in Washington state. We are currently living in Washington for my husband's job---until he FINALLY retires, but our house is in Albuquerque.
This entry was posted in vegan, Weigh In Wednesday, Weight Loss Stats. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Like me!!!

  1. jueall says:

    Hi Katie, I was thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are.

Say Hi!